Happy Fat Pants

The Hutchinsons' Loverly Ride Together

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Running Behind

Wow, I'm really running behind updating this thing! REALLY behind. It's probably due to some extent to having limited access to the information superhighway and also to trying to get some more work done at the moment. And also to the fact that I'm great at making excuses!

In other news, today while I was running in the park, a dog bit me. At least, that's what I think the little mutt was trying to do. But he didn't break skin, so I let him go. I was also rocking out on the headphones at the time, so I couldn't be bothered.

It's hard to motivate oneself to clean up the apartment when the better half's not around. But shhhh...don't tell her.

Just kidding.



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