Happy Fat Pants

The Hutchinsons' Loverly Ride Together

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Back in the Saddle/ The New Apartment

Ok, we're going to try to get this thing going again now that we're a little more settled in and Allison is a little more bipedal. Here are some shots of the new apartment that we're (mostly) moved into.

First, two of the living room/dining room/guest room:

The bedroom:

The kitchen/study:


At 8:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the place looks sweet. glad to hear Allison is giving bipedalism a second try...then it's on to the opposable thumbs and the ol' hyoid bone. Ahhhh....mammalia

At 8:57 PM, Blogger Eric said...

The hyoid bone is awesome, and opposable thumbs let you do things like flush toilets. Allison is enjoying walking upright again; she was getting a little tired of doing the military crawl around the apartment.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Welcome back. I almost used an exclamation point after that statement, but then thought better of it. Pretend that I really used emotion (but I knew that Vanessa would judge me if I used the wrong punctuation).

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Dan, you stay away from that exclamation point! It would just make me so excited! I wouldn't know what to do!

Allison: sure, when I'm not using my foot.

At 9:39 AM, Blogger Vanessa said...

Dan: Think me not a punctuation nazi. Though, I do especially dislike the emoticon. What's with the one that has a mustache, winks and looks slyly out of a half-open mouth?

Allison, Eric: Love the bookshelves on the wall. They look great. I can't wait to see it in person one day.

Eric: You flush the toilet? ha.

At 10:23 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Wait a minute, ladies--do you mean to tell me putting the seat and cover down isn't the same thing as flushing? I thought that's what the cover was for. And I can do it with both opposable thumbs and feet.

Yes, I believe that was a fireplace at one time, and is now covered over with some cool tiles.

And the black bookshelf in the second picture is, indeed, part of the joy of craigslist.

This apartment is definitely good-sized and is probably a little bigger than the one in Italy--though, for some reason, the bedroom in that place was really large (as opposed to the kitchen which was, well...not).

And did everyone notice the big 'LOVE' picture in the background? I'm sooo sentimental.

At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The hyoid bone is a modern human marvel...as is toilet flushing. Whether you do it or not is truly your right as an American, and as a bipedalist.

At 8:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

...by the way...
home ownership is mostly "shut-up and work!" and very little "sitting around watching tv and sleeping" HOw i miss our maintenance-free domicile (but thaks for asking both of you).

At 8:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're BACK!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring on the exclaimation points. Oh yeah...love the pics. Keep 'em coming.

At 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hutchinsons- LOVE the new place. I really love the LOVE poster for the sentimental newlyweds you continue to be. Love oozing all over the place.


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