Happy Fat Pants

The Hutchinsons' Loverly Ride Together

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Advice to Future Visitors

It occurs to me that if you are planning to visit us, you might want to include SLIPPERS in your packing list. Those who are podiatrically (?) sensitive should note that we don't have carpet or rugs of any kind, and unless you would like to wear shoes all the time or plan to shuffle around incessantly on a bath mat, slippers are your solution. Allison just got me a pair the other day that are made out of a bathrobe or something, and they are sweet. When I creep around in them, I'm quieter than a mouse--whatever that means, since the mice in my apartments have always been easily audible.

Anyway, my two cents.


At 12:22 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I know! Soooooooooory!


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