Happy Fat Pants

The Hutchinsons' Loverly Ride Together

Thursday, November 17, 2005

When You've Got a Headache THIS BIG...

Ok, so this isn't an Advil commercial, but Allison and I were both a little disturbed by the placement of this piece of furniture in Santa Maria del Popolo.

But perhaps we shouldn't have been, if his situation is the same as that described by the Latin phrase underneath this skeleton sculpture, which reads neque illic mortuus: 'not dead yonder (i.e. in heaven)'. If he's 'yonder', then I suppose our worry as to his comfort is neither here (since he's not) nor there (since that's where he is and therefore not underneath furniture, taking away the cause for alarm). Anyway.

If that's not enough skeletons for you, here's a floor-piece by Bernini in the Chigi Chapel of the same church:


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