Happy Fat Pants

The Hutchinsons' Loverly Ride Together

Friday, November 18, 2005

Viale di Villa Pamphili

Here is Viale di Villa Pamphili 40, our new little home sweet home. We are the top floor window on the left. Three flights above the motorino fix-it man. The next picture is what greets us when we open the door. Foyer/ dining room/ hallway/ third bedroom. The door straight ahead is to our bedroom, while the doorway on the left is the kitchen. See picture #3. This above all things is the reason (for me) that we picked this apartment. Although the oven is tiny, see picture #4, at least we have one Many don’t, which was a big surprise for me. I thought that the reason Italy was so slow moving was because everyone was in their kitchen fixing (or eating) monstrous 5 course meals for (or with) their family of 26. As it turns out, Rome is different, as I imagine most urban places are from their surrounding country. No ovens, and a birthrate of 1.46 children.

The balcony you see on the front is connected to the third large living space–the living room/ guest bedroom And for kicks, please notice me playing in the fount of the bidet in our bathroom. Before you get too grossed out and never let me cook for you again, please know that we haven’t used it.


At 6:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOS! I'm lovin' the apartment pictures... can't wait to see it in person. Though I can wait for any bidet action. HA!

At 6:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Liddy said . . .
You live in a yellow house with shuttered windows! (That punctuation was for you, Eric) It looks perfect. And here's perspective: we have the same size oven. Perfect for two people . . . but 11 for Thanksgiving? Good luck with that. I can't wait to stay in your foyer/dining room/ third bedroom . . .

At 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if I send a package to The Hutchinson's at Viale di Villa Pamphili 40, Rome Italy you'll get it? Give me some info and I'll send some good stuff your way!

At 6:42 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

love the apt, guys, so cute.

oh, and eric, sorry i couldn't figure out your porky coin, too blurry. but don't let it discourage you from putting up more wine-coin pictures!

i got some pictures developed from the end of summer, with some really cute ones of you two and the whole gang-- i'll figure out some way to get them to you soon.

At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been way too long. Another fellow Pi Phi just passed along your blog site to me, so I thought I would drop you a line! Looks like life in Italy suits you well. Congrats on the recent wedding (to you too Eric)! I will definitely be checking in on your progress now and again!



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